Paititi's Blog

Let’s join forces in “ReInhabiting the Village: Co-Creating Our Future”

posted by Cynthia Robinson on December 9th, 2014

Our friends at the Tribal Convergence Network are initiating a very worthy and needed project called “ReInhabiting the Village: Co-Creating Our Future” which will include a book and online resource directory which are essentially a LIVING LIBRARY of information and resources about projects, organizations, and people who are working every day for a healthy people […]

The First Journeys at the New Land Prove to Offer Quite an Adventure

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 16th, 2014

We have just completed our first Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice course at the new Paititi land and are taking the time to ground and integrate with all of the lessons, inspirations and challenges that have come up in this evolutionary endeavor. The land is wild and alive with powerful ancestral spirit that is reawakening with […]

A Place Where Love is the Strongest

posted by Roman Hanis on August 19th, 2014

I have always been drawn to places such as the Amazonian rainforest and the Andean mountain where nature is abundantly present and is left to continuously express the peak of her highest potential. What makes these places especially fascinating is the existence of ancestral cultures that have lived in these power places for thousands of […]

Building Bridges Literally & Symbolically

posted by Cynthia Robinson on August 17th, 2014

We officially took the role of guardians of the new Paititi sanctuary on June 10th but since we completed the contracts in the middle of our US tour, our official initiation just begun in the last 10 days. The local communities have been very friendly and engaging with our community and are very keen on […]

Initiating the Vision: Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice Coming Up!

posted by Cynthia Robinson on August 15th, 2014

As we shift gears and prepare to lay an energetic foundation at the new land, we’d like to take this opportunity to share more about our upcoming Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice Course and what it is really about. This is a very special, one time experience where we are inviting our extended community to officially […]

The Vision of the New Land Come True: A Sanctuary of Humanity and Cradle of Enlightened Living

posted by Cynthia Robinson on June 16th, 2014

As of June 10, 2014, we at Paititi Institute with deep reverence and honor embrace our role as guardians and stewards of a pristine and ancient 4,000 acres in the Mapacho Valley of the Peruvian Andes bordering the Manu National Reserve. This land, located in the Machu Picchu region, has been a cradle of Incan […]

Ripples of Awakening: Malaria Resolved Through Natural Means

posted by Roman Hanis on May 27th, 2014

Recently in the regional vicinity of our institute we have reached a landmark of development by helping to eliminate a serious Malaria epidemic in the area. This sickness had been affecting the 12 villages surrounding our center and causing quite a bit of suffering to thousands of people for over two years. When the epidemic […]

Embodying True Nature Retreat Keynotes

posted by Roman Hanis on April 27th, 2014

The profound immersion into the depth of consciousness and the purpose of all life we have recently undergone in the Embody True Nature transformation retreat at Paititi has been a continuing inspiration for many of us as we  embark further along our distinct hero’s journeys of evolutionary healing and awakening of our shared hearts. Some […]

Update on our Moving Process

posted by Cynthia Robinson on March 8th, 2014

Life rarely follows our set plans. So it has been in our search for our new home. This journey has taken us through many twists and turns, cliffs and valleys, and continues to demonstrate the interrelation of inner and outer landscapes. It is clear, as we work to manifest our new home, that we are […]

New Year’s Wishes

posted by Cynthia Robinson on January 1st, 2014

Joining in to the collective stream of countless good wishes, the Paititi family is sending out the light of renewal and regeneration to this planet and all her inhabitants. Our wish is for all of our conscious friends whose heart is engaged and activated to continue cultivate greater recognition and confidence in the divine intelligence […]

2013 Financial Report & Land Acquisition Updates

posted by Cynthia Robinson on December 7th, 2013

Since our first call for support in the spring of this year we have been moved by the outpouring of love we have received from our community and we thank you for your profound displays of generosity. To this date we have raised $87,282.71 in donations from our community and together with the funds generated […]

Visioning Deeper Into Our Evolution & Growth

posted by Cynthia Robinson on December 4th, 2013

The following is the first of a series of blog articles we are releasing in the next couple weeks in conjunction with an exciting period in Paititi’s growth and history. We are currently in the closing stages of securing new property in Peru, where we intend to move our Center in 2014. These entries offer […]

Mayan Cacao Recipe from our Primordial Breathwork Sessions!

posted by Cynthia Robinson on November 21st, 2013

After many requests, we are happy to share our Mayan Ceremonial Cacao Recipe which we offer at our Amazonian/Tibetan Transformational Breathwork Sessions. Cocao originates in the Amazon and indigenous societies of Mexico, Central America and South America have used Cacao as a food, a medicine, and a currency for hundreds if not thousands of year. […]

Initiating Permaculture Gardens at the Local Village School!

posted by Cynthia Robinson on November 20th, 2013

In the past few months, we have worked with the children from the pueblo neighboring our land, Cahuide. From teaching them about the relationship between their parents and themselves and the similarities to the Earth and themselves to planting seeds and showing them our facilities, we have definitely formed lasting relations with the kids and […]

An Amazon Trip

posted by The Paititi Team on October 31st, 2013

A few weeks ago, Ishacko offered to take me through the Amazon, to see where his family lives, in a pueblo named Buena Unión. I jumped at the opportunity, feeling that we would be able to see a lot of different plants, and that I would finally get to see the ‘river ocean’, the Amazon […]

The Sacred Science


posted by Mary on October 1st, 2013

For those of you who have not yet had an opportunity to see THE SACRED SCIENCE or have been wanting to share it with friends an family, now is your chance. We’re excited to announce a FREE Online Screening October 7-17, 2013 THE SACRED SCIENCE was filmed at the Paititi Institute in the Amazon Rainforest […]

Nuestra Casa

posted by The Paititi Team on September 18th, 2013

So, as you know we are currently on the transitional move to a mountain land, and in the meantime, have shifted focus to reaching out to a local school and its children. We have had three classes so far, one a week, and are focusing on using our facilities as educational launch points. Some things […]

First Day of School

posted by The Paititi Team on September 11th, 2013

As many of you have heard we are transitioning the focus of our current center outside of Iquitos Peru. In the last 4 years much love has been pored into this land, much healing has taken place and the gardens are really starting to bear fruit in many ways. It is our wish to bring […]

At the Telluride Mushroom Festival

posted by The Paititi Team on September 1st, 2013

For the past 32 years Telluride has held Mushroom Festival. This year the festival was under the direction of The Telluride Institute. our of Paititi’s family in the US – me (Kirsten,) Scott, Indira, and Anastacia – spoke about the work that we are doing down in the Amazon, held a screening of the Sacred Science, and […]

Women’s New Moon Circle

posted by The Paititi Team on August 31st, 2013

*** Paititi loves how we’ve inspired members of our community to start and develop communities of their own.  Here’s a recent update from some family in Colorado.*** The Eagle’s Nest might be in a place where it is not yet ready to have large gathering, but we’ve (Indira, Anastacia, and Kirsten) been feeling out whether […]