Paititi's Blog

image shows healthy organic strawberries on the trunk of a car while travelling across the US

How to Eat Healthy on the Road & Stay Energized

posted by Cynthia Robinson on April 26th, 2016

Over the years I’ve spent many months per year on the road while on tours with the Paititi Institute and many often ask us how we manage to maintain healthy eating habits on the move. When leaving behind our routine and familiar surroundings, it can be a challenge to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, especially […]

5 Permaculture Design Principles & Your Inner Landscape

posted by Anthony Bossler on April 12th, 2016

What does Shamanic Permaculture mean to you? It can draw up so many stories or expectations. Especially for anyone experienced in permaculture design principles, it can be tough to maintain beginner’s mind. But, by letting go of expectation and preconceived ideas, we can truly observe and learn to engage in a two-way conversation with the […]

How Changing Your Breath Can Change Your Life

posted by Roman Hanis on April 1st, 2016

For many years now, we’ve been sharing the Primordial Breathwork practice stemming from the root of the Amazonian and Tibetan lineages. This practice has continued to deepen in profound ways the more we practice it ourselves and share it with others, often to the extent that we’re still amazed at the breakthroughs we witness. Working […]