Work Study Service
Paititi Institute is a labor of love and grows through the contribution of its residents, short- and long-term. Here our work is our prayer, and as a community we practice presence, compassion, selfless service and hard work for the benefit of all beings. We work together to cultivate the highest view – a perspective where the individual happiness and welfare of all are considered with the wish that all beings will be free from suffering.
Work at Paititi Institute greatly varies with the seasons, but there is certainly plenty of it all year long and projects that speak to different interests. We are currently in the early stages of development at our new land in the Peruvian Andes and there is a lot of work to be done! You can read a bit more about the new land HERE.
At this time we have two different service tracks: the Shamanic Permaculture Track and the Transformation Track. No matter what track you choose, all service participants become part of our family and are expected to participate in the day-to-day running of the community, our gardens, service projects and general operations. For long-term participants, we work to create special projects based on the needs of the Institute and the participants’ interests and skills. There are also opportunities to grow into leadership roles over time.
Participation Tracks:
Shamanic Permaculture in it’s essence is this intention to unravel what it truly means to be a human in service for the benefit of all life and the path to this service is through knowing one’s own true nature and self. Time will focus on deep observation, master planning, and pioneering infrastructure. We will be meditating, making offerings, cooking, planting, hiking, exploring, drawing, mapping, visioning, designing, building, transforming and healing landscapes inside and out. Please note that we have a one month minimum participation. Those wishing to stay longer then one month are welcome to extend in most cases. During all Work Study Service sessions we will start the journey with an initiation into the Indigenous Andean tradition of coca. Coca leaf can offers energy and nutrition while at the same time support the group to establish deeper community bonds with each other while also connecting deeper to the native Andean culture. Coca leaf ceremonies will be utilized throughout the retreat. During specified sessions participants will have the opportunity to receive an initiation in the ancient Amazonian and Andean indigenous traditions of Ayahuasca and Huachuma (San Pedro).
Learn more about the Shamanic Permaculture Work Study Service Program:
- View the Info & Prep Doc >>
- Or visit the registration pages (links below)
Transformation Track work study service opportunities are available to a small handful of people who will have the opportunity to be present and support in the transformation process during our Embodying True Nature Consciousness Transformation Retreats. These opportunities happen 2-4 times a year and require participation in the full session (usually about 6 weeks). During this time the first priorities of all service participants will be to support the needs of the retreat which involves working in the kitchen, cleaning, and being available to support facilitators’ and retreat participants’ needs. Service participants have the opportunity to be in the energy field of the retreat group and are included in an introduction to many of the different practices that we work with, including many lectures given during the retreat, some transformational breathwork and dreamwork sessions, morning practices, and some ceremonies. When not needed for retreat support participants help with Permaculture projects. Learn more about the Embodying True Nature Retreats that this group supports >>
During these sessions participants will have the opportunity to receive an initiation in the ancient Amazonian and Andean indigenous traditions of Ayahuasca, and Huachuma and Coca.
Learn more about the Transformation Track Work Study Service Program:
• Or visit the registration pages (links below)
Current Opportunities
The following is an overview of our current Work Study Service opportunities. To learn more and/or to register please follow the links below. Additional 2016 dates will be added soon. We also welcome you to fill out the Interest Form and we will keep you up to date with future opportunities.
Dec 9, 2020 – January 29, 2021
Learn More & Register >>
Participants are required to join for the complete program. Additional programs will be added soon!
At this time the Shamanic Permaculture Work-Study-Service track is available to those who have perviously been to our center for a retreat or in service (email us to coordinate). For new participants we do not have any Permaculture Track Work-Study-Service programs available for 2019. We welcome you to sign up for the interest list below or join us for another program on our events page to initiate our connection.
Participation Requirements:
- Most of our service program require a minimum of one month. Please view the individual event listing (links below) for details as each program is a little different. Participants may not have the opportunity to leave the center during their service time and should arrange their personal affairs so that it will not be necessary to leave. There is cell service on some parts of the land as well as a slow satellite internet available for each person to use about once a week.
- Participants should be healthy and in good physical shape. During this program you will be on your feet all day and will do a lot of walking in the mountains. At this time, while the road is still being built, there is a 2+ hour hike into the property. In addition, many tasks on the property itself involve steep ascents and descents. All participants should be prepared to hike with their belongings on their backs. Elders will be permitted to put some belonging on the mules.
- There are many unknown elements as we embrace this early phase of establishing roots. We will be working with simple and young infrastructure. Those who join should be willing and able to embrace this with a positive, solutions-oriented attitude. Participants should be comfortable living in a tent, taking cold showers, living with minimal solar electricity, solving unexpected challenges, and hiking steep terrain.
- Work study service participants must be minimum 21 years old. Younger participants may be accepted with letters of recommendation. Contact us to discuss.
- All participants must be physically and mentally healthy and stable. If you have a chronic and or debilitating health condition this program is not appropriate for you. Instead we are happy to work with you as a patient where we can offer the proper support in your healing process. Read more about this program >>
- All participants are required to have personal travel insurance with emergency evacuation coverage. More details can be found in the info and prep document available on the individual registration pages.
If you are not able to attend the dates above and would like to receive updates on future opportunities, we welcome you to join our interest list. …
Join the Work Study Service INTEREST LIST >>
Thank you for your support and collaboration.
Additional Details
Substance Policy
At Paititi alcohol and substance abuse is prohibited. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted on site nor are participants permitted to return to the property intoxicated. If facilitators suspect alcohol or drug use, we reserve the right to ask participants to leave with no refund.
As a community we work with sacred plants for physical healing, spiritual growth and transformation, as well as community council. Plants can be powerful tools in healing and transformation within the proper context and understanding, but these tools are easily misused and misunderstood. We work with plants and plant spirits within a container of intention, guided by the ancient transmission lineages of the Amazon, Andes, and Tibet, under the supervision of qualified medicine men and women.
Tobacco: Social smoking is not permitted. If you wish to smoke you may do so by yourself and away from community areas. We encourage mindful and prayerful smoking. If you are a smoker please bring your own tobacco as we will not be supplying tobacco or picking up tobacco for participants during supply runs.
Cannabis: We agree that cannabis is a medicine however it is NOT legal in Peru and is therefore not permitted on our property. Possession, growing and intake of cannabis is not permitted.
Please be mindful and aware that many people work with us to heal from substance abuse and we hold a container that can support this process.
Energy Contribution
Every day is different depending on the work. The following is an example of a good day at our center and the basic expectations regarding your contribution of energy and service on a daily basis.
- 6:00 am: Wake up horn and morning blitz chores
- 7:00 – 8:00 am: Personal or Group Practice (yoga, meditation, Qigong, ect)
- 8:00 – 9:00 am: Breakfast
- 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: Service Session
- 1:00 – 1:30 pm: Snack
- 1:30 – 4:00 pm: Service Session
- 4:00 pm: Linner
- 6:30 pm: Evening group activities (coca ceremonies, movies, classes, music, ect)
In general we work 6 to 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. More than this, however, it is essential to understand that living in our community is not like being in society where we “clock in and clock out.” Here our life, work, prayer, and fun are woven together. We expect community members to be ready and willing to be in active contribution supporting each other and the work that needs to be done. Some days will require more and others will require less. Participants will have one personal day a week.
For contribution information please view the Work Study Service event listings on our events registration page. Scholarships are available for local Peruvians and other participants from developing countries.
Your daily contribution includes:
Please review the info package for the specific event you are applying to as these details will vary slightly from one session to another.
- Food: We supply 2-3 vegan (+occasional animal protein) meals a day
- Lodging: Work study service lodging is in personal tents
- Basic Supplies: toilet paper, candles, hand sanitizer, etc
- Introduction to transformation practices & ceremonies as outlined earlier on this page (varies per session).
- Project facilitation, education and misc group activities.
- Transportation from the Sacred Valley to our center and back
- Hostal/Hotel on the first night: The first day of the program we will meet in the Sacred Valley for introductions and Coca Initiation. Participants are welcome to choose alternative lodging (at their own expense) so long as they are on time for all meetings.
Not Included:
- Airfare
- Trips to the city: If participants decide to go the city for personal needs they must cover their own transportation and any personal spending in the city. If you are traveling to the city for a Paititi Institute project your transportation, lodging and food will be covered based on previous authorization and review from core members.
- Personal food outside of what we offer on site.
- Personal hygiene products such as toothpaste and shampoo, laundry soap, etc.
- All expenses and costs caused by or associated with illness or injury including, but not limited to, medical expenses, hospital bills, medications and emergency transportation.
During times when ceremonies are available, up to 2 ceremonies will be included per month of participation. The service rate for additional ceremonies (when available) is $50 USD per ceremony. At times additional may be offered complementary.
- We accept deposits via credit card which are made during the online application process. If you are not accepted to join for the program, your payment will be fully refunded.
- Your remaining balance is to be submitted in cash (USD) on the first day of the program. Please bring CRISP, UNCREASED dollar bills as we cannot use old or damaged bills here in Peru.
- Your deposit is non-refundable but if you cancel within 2 months of the program start date, we can transfer your deposit to a future program minus a 10% admin fee.
- For cancellations within 2 months of the start date, payments are non-refundable and will only be transferable to a future program if we can fill your place in the retreat. We will try our best to do so.
- The contribution is non-refundable and non-transferable once the program begins.
- We reserve the right to cancel this retreat if our minimum number of participants is not met 6 weeks prior to the start date. All payments will be fully refunded if the program is canceled.
- Additional terms are outlined in our “Terms, Conditions, Release Of Liability & Assumption Of Risk” document which each participants agrees to by submitting an application.
Why a Contribution?
The daily contribution covers the basic expenses for the coordination team, food, lodging, basic maintenance, education and ceremonies. While recognizing the contribution as an essential symbol for a reciprocate energy exchange, we do not charge service participants in order to make a profit. However when there is a profit, all funds are invested into the site development of the Paititi Sanctuary for the benefit of all to share. This charge allows us to continue to have the possibility to welcome people into our community and support the growth of our center and the transformation of each person who enters our grounds.
It has been our experience that coming into the wilderness requires an adjustment for most and participants do go through a period of detox. Even those with the best intentions are often not able to sustain a balanced exchange in the beginning of their stay and sometimes longer.
Our community is made up of individuals who are coming in service to benefit others and to co-create a place that expresses and nurtures the true potential of human beings and Mother Nature. The work that you are contributing is going to support this space that offers profound healing to many both physically, spiritually and emotionally.
We are not a farm seeking labor. We see this place as a lighthouse and its purpose is to guide humanity to it’s true nature. This work in our experience is priceless and everyone who is involved in the work does not make any profit at this point, but we are fortunate to have created a regenerative container that allows us to continue this work and grow our vision. For us we give in service to this vision and we are looking for partners who wish to devote themselves to a greater purpose, seeking not what they can get but what more they can give to humanity to create the enlightened society we all dream of in our hearts. Together our potential is unlimited. This is basically the major criteria we seek in those we are able to sponsor for long term residency.
We suggest that participants view the documentary about the Paititi Institute, “The Sacred Science” prior to your visit in order to gain a deeper perspective on some of the work we do at the institute and what your service will support. www.thesacredscience.com
Additional program details are available on the event registration pages. Feel free to contact us with any questions that you have.