Consciousness Transformation & Evolution
Paititi is committed to the transformation and evolution of human consciousness. This consciousness transformation arises through the integration of ancestral wisdom, which mirrors the evolutionary teaching of life itself. This is done in a supportive environment where people can voluntarily immerse in a guided process of self-realization.
The tools, practices and rites of passage that are cultivated within the sacred container of such a process allow each individual to resolve their cultural conditioning and uncover their unique existential qualities, talents and skills. From this realization, new ways are uncovered of harmoniously channeling and cultivating these gifts within a social community setting.
Being supported in the actualization journey of one’s true self while simultaneously supporting others reflects the symbiotic quality of Nature, which we are all a part of. This is a core value of Paititi and informs the essence of all our projects, whether it involves healing serious health conditions, land restoration, community gardening, native communal medicine clinics or inter-cultural wisdom councils. Being a conscious, responsible, open-hearted human being in a human body is the key to the blossoming of life on our planet.