posted by The Paititi Team on August 31st, 2013
*** Paititi loves how we’ve inspired members of our community to start and develop communities of their own. Here’s a recent update from some family in Colorado.*** The Eagle’s Nest might be in a place where it is not yet ready to have large gathering, but we’ve (Indira, Anastacia, and Kirsten) been feeling out whether […]
posted by The Paititi Team on August 20th, 2013
*** While not technically a part of Paititi Institute, our actions have spawned a number of community building efforts, which we love. This is an example and update from one of them.*** As a part of the process of gathering the local support and energy to hold the space for a retreat center in Colorado, […]
posted by The Paititi Team on August 15th, 2013
Stucco is a real hands on processThe land in Crawford, CO, which is called The Eagle’s Nest in deference to the Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle, is intended to create a space which works with the land and allows for people to come, worship, and heal in ways traditional to the Western Colorado region. Growth and […]