We are on a mission to acquire 2000 acres in order to preserve the rainforest, expand our healing center and community. Partner with us to bring greater benefit to the world. Click here to learn more and donate.

Upcoming Events

Primordial Breathwork™: Online Home Study Course Series

Facilitated by Roman Hanis

Open Dates

Your Evolutionary Blueprint: Online Home Study Course

Facilitated by Roman Hanis and Cynthia Robinson

Open Dates

Indigenous Amazonian based / Jungian Dreamwork online immersion

Facilitated by Roman Hanis

October 15 - 17, 2024
Online via Zoom

Live Zoom Series – Primordial Breathwork™

Facilitated by Roman Hanis

October 21 - 24, 2024
Online via Zoom

LIVE Zoom Series – Alchemy of Immortality QiGong

Facilitated by Roman Hanis

October 28 - 30, 2024
Online via Zoom

Amazon: 16-day Embodying True Nature Immersion

Facilitated by Roman Hanis

December 21, 2024 - January 6, 2025
Amazon Rainforest (Iquitos, Peru)

The Paititi Institute for the Preservation of Ecology and Indigenous Culture is a nonprofit organization devoted to the integration of indigenous wisdom into every day life. We serve as an intercultural bridge supporting individuals and communities to live as activated, responsible and joyful human beings in harmony with both inner and outer landscapes. [Read More]

The Latest from Paititi's Blog

Life is a Ceremony Podcast EP 25: Practical Meaning of Spiritual Purpose

posted by Cynthia Robinson on September 11th, 2023

In this episode Roman Hanis and Mindaugas Uzubalis discuss the practicality of spiritual purpose in everyday life. Topics Include: Generational trauma and repressed human qualities (shadow) Our role in consumerist world and how it impacts our true purpose Ignorance transformation to wisdom through recognition of our patterns. Download Transcript >> If you have a question […]

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Life is a Ceremony Podcast EP 24: From Amazonia to the Himalayas – Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Critical Times

posted by Cynthia Robinson on March 6th, 2023

In this episode Roman Hanis discuss the origin and spiritual disciplines within the Amazonian, Andean and Tibetan indigenous traditions as well as their practical benefit in our modern world during this time of global crisis. Topics include: Unconditional Love & Practical Wisdom vs. Shamanic Tourism Union of complementary opposites in nature as the Mother Earth/Father […]

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Essential Humanity, the Shared Human Heart, and Planetary Healing

posted by Cynthia Robinson on February 28th, 2023

Recently Roman Hanis sat with Gabe Crane and Rahul Deedwania from Woven Wings Live, a podcast focused on wisdom and tools for vibrant living, and talked about some of the core pilars that drive our work, essential humanity, the shared human heart and planetary healing. What is essential humanity? What do we all share in […]

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