healing waters for our yahua friends

posted by The Paititi Team on May 8th, 2012

By Roman Hanis

We are deeply devoted to the well-being and the environmental health of the world and especially local Amazonian native villages. Many indigenous settlements have been severed from their original natural medicine practices while receiving no tangible help from the government and conventional healthcare system. People also have no clean water sources and are forced to drink the contaminated river waters. This situation causes many diseases and much suffering to the native villages.

One of the projects at Paititi is our Cultural Healing Exchange program where throughout the year natural healers from around the world come and set up local communal clinics to benefit the native population. During our clinics last year it became clear that contaminated water sources are a major cause of heath problems in the villages near our center.

In an effort to really go to the source in helping these communities heal and stay healthy we initiated a project installing rain water catchment and water purification systems in these villages. We recognize the tremendous life saving function of clean pure water to be an amazing resource on our planet and a great improvement in the health of the local Amazonian population preventing lead poisoning and diminishing the parasite and opportunistic infections that are so widespread in the area.

We recently completed our first rainwater catchment and water filtration unit at the Yahua tribe near Iquitos. Now the whole village has clean and clear drinking water.

If you’re interested to sponsor the installation of one of these systems in another Amazonian village please email us at info@paititi-institute.org. Thank you for all of your support in this work.