2014 – Ripples of Reflection, Vision & Profound Gratitude

posted by Cynthia Robinson on December 20th, 2014

As the new year is right around the corner we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the last year and vision into the future.



2014 has been a profoundly transformative year for many of us filled with immense blessings as well as challenges. Two years ago we got the strong message that it was time to spread our wings and take the dive to embody the collective vision of humanity deeper. Through much determined effort and unwavering intent from our team and extended global family we were able to become the guardians of a very special 4000 acre Ando-Amazonian sanctuary, Larapata Hatumpata, in June of this year (read more).

 river   vista

The manifestation of this dream has required us to look deeply at ourselves and our service in the world both individually and collectively and it feels as if we have been going through a rebirth process on many levels. In August of this year we fully initiated the transition from the previous lower Amazonian basin center into our new center on the border of the Andean Mountains and the Manu National Reserve in the higher Amazonian basin – one mule load at a time.

As we settle into the humble beginnings at our new home we are deeply moved by the immense (and at times overwhelming) potential in front of us and are more inspired than ever to dedicate all of our hearts to embodying the enlightened realm that we see so clearly is being asked to be birthed through us… no small undertaking indeed.


However grand out aspirations, we are focused on being discerning and present with the practical needs of the present moment with each step we take. Our first priority is to continue building relationships both with the land and the neighboring communities. As we began to tune into the daily lives of our neighbors the perfect project presented itself. We began to build a bridge that will service 4 of our neighboring villages, including our own community, with essential infrastructure which will allow everyone to have access to their lands as well as each others, and nearby health facilities year around. We teamed up in partnership with 2 native villages to build the bridge and through this process beautiful friendships have already begun to form.

bridgeconstuction   neighboors


In the midst of the bridge building we welcomed our first course, the Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice Course. Through the course we began to settle deeper into the realities of living on the land, were gifted some powerful lessons and began the first steps in our master planning design process (read more)

  permaculturegroup  permiclass

With the bridge being completed in October we turned inward to initiate the development of our phase one infrastructure in order to be prepared for the rain season that is starting now. Following the guidance from our Shamanic Permaculture course we began the construction of a community space using earthbag techniques, a composting toilet, showers, a beautiful lucinda-style rocket stove and of course an oven of alchemy to transmute all that we are into the delicious bread of universal love and compassion.

ovenbuild  bread  


With all of these projects nearly complete we now dive into our first Embodying True Nature Retreat at the land. The beautiful transformation group has gathered here in the Sacred Valley today and tomorrow morning we will journey to our sanctuary wilderness land together. We look forward to this next month immersing deeply into our inner and outer landscapes as pioneers on the frontier of consciousness to reflect deeper on our personal and collective evolution.


We have big plans for 2015 to continue manifesting an example of what life can be like together via the steps of building the needed community infrastructure, expand our programming and engaging our local communities in many social development, eco conservation and indigenous culture sustainability projects.

 palta  peppers  citrus  corn

It is only with your collaborative support that we continue to thrive and maintain these last pristine treasure troves of the Mother Earth and her Children. With that profound focus we ask from the depth of our hearts for you to reciprocate all that is dear to all of humanity and all life on this magnificent planet and offer what you can to further our collective effort, knowing that your financial alliance is also an essential form of community service. We offer our deepest gratitude to you, knowing that with your synergetic support we are continuing to positively impact the world in every moment and our shared love becomes the true reality for the whole world rippling out to countless beings.


