Paititi's Blog

Embodying True Nature Retreat Keynotes

posted by Roman Hanis on April 27th, 2014

The profound immersion into the depth of consciousness and the purpose of all life we have recently undergone in the Embody True Nature transformation retreat at Paititi has been a continuing inspiration for many of us as we  embark further along our distinct hero’s journeys of evolutionary healing and awakening of our shared hearts. Some […]

Embracing the Purification and Opening the Portal: Deep Transformation in the Paititi Realm

posted by The Paititi Team on December 26th, 2012

Many of you who have met us are familiar with the traditional indigenous Amazonian sacred science perspective of diseases being the messengers of divine intelligence and mothers that usher the spiritual evolution. This perspective greatly differs from the western conventional view of pathology and its nihilistic approach towards the elimination of the symptoms relating to […]