Paititi's Blog

Initiating the Vision: Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice Coming Up!

posted by Cynthia Robinson on August 15th, 2014

As we shift gears and prepare to lay an energetic foundation at the new land, we’d like to take this opportunity to share more about our upcoming Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice Course and what it is really about. This is a very special, one time experience where we are inviting our extended community to officially […]

The Vision of the New Land Come True: A Sanctuary of Humanity and Cradle of Enlightened Living

posted by Cynthia Robinson on June 16th, 2014

As of June 10, 2014, we at Paititi Institute with deep reverence and honor embrace our role as guardians and stewards of a pristine and ancient 4,000 acres in the Mapacho Valley of the Peruvian Andes bordering the Manu National Reserve. This land, located in the Machu Picchu region, has been a cradle of Incan […]