Paititi's Blog

Life is a Ceremony Podcast EP 25: Practical Meaning of Spiritual Purpose

posted by Cynthia Robinson on September 11th, 2023

In this episode Roman Hanis and Mindaugas Uzubalis discuss the practicality of spiritual purpose in everyday life. Topics Include: Generational trauma and repressed human qualities (shadow) Our role in consumerist world and how it impacts our true purpose Ignorance transformation to wisdom through recognition of our patterns. Download Transcript >> If you have a question […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast EP 24: From Amazonia to the Himalayas – Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Critical Times

posted by Cynthia Robinson on March 6th, 2023

In this episode Roman Hanis discuss the origin and spiritual disciplines within the Amazonian, Andean and Tibetan indigenous traditions as well as their practical benefit in our modern world during this time of global crisis. Topics include: Unconditional Love & Practical Wisdom vs. Shamanic Tourism Union of complementary opposites in nature as the Mother Earth/Father […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 19: Fatherhood as an Evolutionary Path

posted by Cynthia Robinson on November 15th, 2021

In this episode Roman Hanis from the Paititi Institute and Simon Fyall from the Verity Foundation share meaning, humor and insights of Fatherhood as an evolutionary journey through their own life experiences. Topics include: Looking at fatherhood through a lens of consciousness transformation Finding personal authenticity within family life Exposed ways of clinging to comfort […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 16: The Indigenous Prophecies for Our Time

posted by Cynthia Robinson on November 22nd, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis is interviewed by Joanna Bullock of Heart Mountain Wellness. The topics covered were: the healing of ancestral trauma, understanding fragility, spiritual consumerism and awakening from the dream of separation via the evolutionary language of life. An essential link between the ancient psychological pandemic of Wetiko and its modern counterpart. About […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 15: Replacing Police Brutality with Compassion and Indigenous Wisdom

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 31st, 2020

Roman Hanis was recently had a hope inspiring interview with psyD students, Rose Dawydiak-Rapagnani and Alan Lamb Ashbaugh, for their project “Envisioning Emergency Mental Health Services (EMHS): How Psychedelic Support Best Practices can Reduce Harm and Increase the Personal Value of Psychotic Experiences” They discussed how to address police brutality in the US by developing […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 14: Breathing Ancestral Wisdom Alive

posted by Cynthia Robinson on June 18th, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis will discuss breathing ancestral wisdom alive. Topics covered include: Tuning into the spark of your passion and bringing that spark into the most essential state of well being for oneself and others, Awakening from the dream of separation, The original decolonization, And the way to create change through fierce and […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 12: Reconciling Death on the Path of Healing

posted by Cynthia Robinson on May 5th, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis and Emily Goughary will discuss reconciling death on the path of healing. Instead of hoarding, and stressing out, we can learn to share well being. In the face of inevitability & crisis we can remember our essential humanity. Death is here to teach us that we can come out of […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 11: Transforming Fear into Fearless Love

posted by Cynthia Robinson on April 17th, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis discusses fiercely standing for fearless love – how simple practice and living ancestral wisdom can help us remember that love equals health, vitality and well being. If you have a question you would like for us to cover in a future Q&A episode we welcome you to submit your questions […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 10: Engaging Challenging Times in an Evolutionary Way

posted by Cynthia Robinson on April 13th, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis and Emily Goughary will discuss engaging the challenges in life times in an evolutionary way – how our individual resilience is found in authentic relatedness and community resourcefulness. If you have a question you would like for us to cover in a future Q&A episode we welcome you to submit […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 9: Q&A – Staying Connected to the Essence and in Service to the Heart of All the Hearts

posted by Cynthia Robinson on March 4th, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis and Elton Lee Abela will discuss staying connected to the essence in service to the heart of all the hearts – Integrating the shadow self, healing the relationship with the inner child and the greatest strength found in the greatest weakness as fearless innocence. If you have a question you […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 8: Q&A – Grieving & The Heart of Sadness

posted by Cynthia Robinson on January 28th, 2020

In this episode Roman Hanis and Elton Lee Abela will discuss grieving and the heart of sadness as an essential rite of passage on the path of timeless happiness. If you have a question you would like for us to cover in a future Q&A episode we welcome you to submit your questions here:

Life is a Ceremony Podcast Ep 7: Q&A Evolutionary Healing & the Discovery of Limitless Potential

posted by Cynthia Robinson on December 4th, 2019

In this episode Roman Hanis will be answering a number of questions we have been receiving from our global community. Topics covered include: • Why healing should be joyful and not daunting • Remembrance of your true self and the practice of not fixing • The guardians of the wounds If you have a question […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast – Ep6: Liberation from an Elaborate Self Deception

posted by Cynthia Robinson on November 11th, 2019

In this episode Roman Hanis discusses the process of understanding and being liberated from the elaborate self deception, disarming the guarded heart and letting loving kindness cradle the fearful heart. Our image is not who we are but we have been doing it so long we forget the essence underneath. How do we unravel this […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast – Ep 5: Relationship with the Self, the Inner Masculine and Feminine

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 23rd, 2019

In this episode Roman Hanis shares about the journey of finding balance between the inner masculine and feminine – a path of unraveling our essential human qualities. Noticing our dis-balances is the journey of cultivating awareness and becoming conscious human beings. Bringing awareness to the tendencies of conditioning and being at peace with what is […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast – Ep 4: Q&A Genuine Respect vs. Cultural Appropriation

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 15th, 2019

In this episode Roman Hanis will be answering a number of questions we have been receiving from our global community covering: The meaning of life as a ceremony  Genuine respect for ancestral cultures in the western “medicine” scene Reciprocity vs. scape goat mentality Cultural appropriation Keeping the living wisdom alive by embodying the essence beyond […]

Life is a Ceremony Podcast – Ep 3: The Amazonian Chullachaqui Myth, a Story of Getting Lost In-Order to Be Found

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 10th, 2019

In this episode Roman Hanis shares about the Amazonian Chullachaqui myth. This is a story of getting lost in dense jungle of conditioning in order to find our spontaneous, awake, fresh purpose and passion. Submit a Question you would like us to cover in a future episode >>  

Life is a Ceremony Podcast – Ep 2: The Hero’s Journey in the Face of Uncertainty and Change

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 10th, 2019

In this episode Roman Hanis shares about the hero’s journey of returning to the source in order to realize the timeless happiness in the face of uncertainty and impermanence of life. How can we develop a healthy relationship with change? Submit a Question you would like us to cover in a future episode >>

Life is a Ceremony Podcast – Ep 1: The Ancient Evolutionary Purpose

posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 6th, 2019

Welcome to our first Life as a Ceremony Podcast! In this podcast Roman covers an overview of the primordial culture. Topics include the perspective of Andean, Amazonian and Tibetan lineages, the cosmology and creation stories pointing to the purpose of all life and the insight into our interconnected nature. Submit a Question you would like […]