posted by Roman Hanis on March 7th, 2022
“It is my conviction that there is no way to peace – peace is the way.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh Our world is undergoing a precarious threshold at this point of human history. The more we discover new technologies and study the fabric of the universe at large, the less we know about what […]
posted by Roman Hanis on November 10th, 2020
When I first became curious about an evolutionary path in my life I thought: “Who needs Gurus when I can just follow spiritual books and experiment with psychedelics?!” Then in 2001 I was fortunate enough to meet Andean healers, indigenous Amazonian elders and lineage holders of Tibetan Buddhism. Meeting these teachers and witnessing first hand […]
posted by Roman Hanis on August 14th, 2020
With everyone wearing covid masks while out and about these days, it makes me contemplate the symbolic role masks play for each of us in the cognitive evolution of our species. Image by Jondolar Schnurr Throughout human history, masks have been closely tied to theatrics and creative expression – the word persona originates from ancient […]
posted by Roman Hanis on March 31st, 2020
It was recently announced by the official medical sources of various countries that the same pharmaceutical used for malaria outbreaks can be effective in treating more serious cases of Covid-19 (There are currently more than 20 ongoing clinical trials in China and more scheduled to start in England, Thailand, South Korea and the United States). […]
posted by Roman Hanis on March 2nd, 2020
Update Note: This article reflects a personal experience not originating in the US culture and I am unfamiliar with the generations of trauma that have led to the recent uprisings. In the sharing of my own personal experience I am making an effort to relate and am willing to listen to the experiences of other […]
posted by Roman Hanis on January 17th, 2020
Ayahuasca is becoming an international household name though her real purpose may be getting lost in translation. Living and apprenticing within the Amazonian and Andean ancestral healing traditions since 2001, I’ve observed their exponential increase in popularity all over the globe though mainly as a response to modern consumerism looking for an instant fix. In […]
posted by Roman Hanis on September 12th, 2019
“The Wind in the Meat” By Amanda Sage & Joe Bob Merritt in collaboration. “Consciously or subconsciously, we all strive for chaos in life. No one is content living happily ever after. There is boredom in that.” ― Rajesh, Random Cosmos Have you seen the news recently? The planet is burning, corruption rules the […]
posted by Roman Hanis on July 18th, 2018
Lorenz Sell is the founder and CEO of, an online communication platform designed to facilitate intentional, meaningful conversation among smaller groups of people. Roman and Lorenz discuss creating a safe container for vulnerability and transformation, indigenous wisdom and the importance of confrontation in community. Listen to the podcast on the excellent blog, or read […]
posted by Roman Hanis on June 8th, 2018
This topic has been instrumental in my life and seems relevant for many people today. Discovering how to bring natural well being into the adversity of existence opens the doorway to lasting happiness. We’ve all undergone an array of wonderful and dreadful events in life and I think it’s fair to say that everyone wishes to […]
posted by Roman Hanis on April 2nd, 2018
Just kidding! I know it’s a terrible bait and switch, but we need to get serious here. Instantaneous magic potions like that are unrealistic and anyone who tells you otherwise should be approached with caution. You’ll often see marketers selling spiritual wares on the internet, offering enticing incentives “Valued at $$$, but free when ordering […]
posted by Roman Hanis on November 23rd, 2017
Life… Life can be so contradictory and abound with paradoxes. I reflect on the staggering contrast in a world where corruption feeds on virtue while peace is violently fought for. What makes this life truly worth living for, and why would I wish for life to continue after I die? I asked these questions before […]
posted by Roman Hanis on July 11th, 2017
With a rekindled interest in earth-based spirituality and indigenous healing practices, something forgotten since the dark ages is resurfacing into humanity’s collective consciousness. It’s fascinating how some of the most “rational” people I’ve met are among the most superstitious, showing that society’s prevalent religion (empirical modern science) isn’t without its limitations. Despite considerable technological progress, […]
posted by Roman Hanis on May 11th, 2017
How often do you hear this word in your daily life? From advertisements about compassionate care for the elderly, to charity slogans, or references to those experiencing misfortune, compassion sometimes seems like a merely appropriate, mechanically uttered response to maintain a civilized appearance in society. I must admit that I myself use this word quite […]
posted by Roman Hanis on October 22nd, 2016
Wouldn’t that be a great news title to usher in a new era of world peace and planetary regeneration? At this time Indigenous Nations and people from all cultures from around the world are coming together in North Dakota to stand united in peace for the protection of our sacred waters (to learn more search #nodapl). […]
posted by Roman Hanis on August 20th, 2016
We recently completed another Embodying True Nature Retreat cycle and we’re inspired to share some reflections on the retreat process while they’re fresh in our hearts and minds. The purpose of the indigenous transformation retreat is not to instantly solve life’s problems for us, but to change our relationship with those situations we consider to […]
posted by Roman Hanis on July 22nd, 2016
I often meet people who are disenchanted, frustrated, and at times outright infuriated with the situation in the world today that involves the destruction of natural resources, pollution, famine, sicknesses, diseases, wars and many other misfortunes that plague our current society. The toxic emotions that come up are often a result of not seeing any […]
posted by Roman Hanis on June 21st, 2016
I wasn’t initially keen on sharing my journey on the blog, but it became clear that it could help a lot of people. Plus Roman’s a difficult person to say no to. So yeah, there’s that =) If you’re reading this and you do any kind of meditative practice, I hope you can take what […]
posted by Roman Hanis on May 20th, 2016
The profound immersion into the depths of consciousness and purpose of all life that happens in the Embody True Nature healing retreat at Paititi continues to inspire us. As we travel deeper along our own hero’s journeys of evolutionary healing, our shared hearts awaken to greater extents. But what does it mean to embody true nature? […]
posted by Roman Hanis on April 1st, 2016
For many years now, we’ve been sharing the Primordial Breathwork practice stemming from the root of the Amazonian and Tibetan lineages. This practice has continued to deepen in profound ways the more we practice it ourselves and share it with others, often to the extent that we’re still amazed at the breakthroughs we witness. Working […]
posted by Roman Hanis on November 18th, 2015
The perspective of healing has been distorted over the ages. In our modern society most people believe healing is an erroneous part of life best left to the realm of narrow specialists. In the ancient times the purpose of healing was to empower the individual to heal themselves. In finding a solution for dis-ease today, […]