Life is a Ceremony Podcast

Life is a Ceremony – a podcast created by the Paititi Institute.

Join us as we share practical insights to engage everyday life as an evolutionary journey of transformation. We will share perspectives from the Andean, Amazonian and Tibetan Buddhist lineages on consciousness transformation, natural healing, Ayahuasca and other sacred plant traditions, reciprocity, permaculture, Transpersonal and Buddhist psychology and how to transform challenges into the creative path towards evolution.  Many of the podcast are recorded during our retreats. Every moment is an opportunity to practice. 

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Ep 22: Bridging World Wisdom Traditions – Discerning Medicine from Poison

Ep 21: The Wisdom of Failure

Ep 20: Integration – A Coping Mechanisim or a Vehicle for Transformation?

Ep 19: Fatherhood as an Evolutionary Path

Ep 18: Ode to Simplicity

Ep 17: The Nectar of Liberation

Ep 16: The Indigenous Prophecies for Our Time

Ep 15: Replacing Police Brutality with Compassion and Indigenous Wisdom

Ep 14: Breathing Ancestral Wisdom Alive

Ep 13: Eye Of The Storm


Ep 12: Reconciling Death on the Path of Healing


Ep 11: Transforming Fear into Fearless Love



Ep 10: Engaging Challenging Times in an Evolutionary Way



Ep 9: Q&A – Staying Connected to the Essence and in Service to the Heart of All the Hearts


Ep 8: Q&A – Grieving & The Heart of Sadness



Ep 7: Q&A – Evolutionary Healing & the Discovery of Limitless Potential



Ep 6: Liberation from an Elaborate Self Deception



Ep 5: Relationship with the Self, the Inner Masculine and Feminine



Episode 4: Q&A – Genuine Respect vs. Cultural Appropriation



Episode 3: The Amazonian Chullachaqui Myth, a Story of Getting Lost In-Order to Be Found


Episode 2: The Hero’s Journey in the Face of Uncertainty and Change


 Episode 1: The Ancient Evolutionary Purpose