Elton Lee Abela
Certified Primordial Breathwork™ Facilitator
Born on the historical island of Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean, Elton started studying Music at the age of eight, playing the Baritone and Violin. Although he studied classical music, he appreciates all sorts of music and you can find him mostly on a psychedelic trance dance floor in the flow.
In 1998, Elton was awarded First Prize by the Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce in the Young Musicians Competition. Later, he decided to change careers and attended the Institute of Tourism Studies in Malta where in 2005 got his Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts, Food and Pastry. In 2006, Elton went to France to represent Malta in the International School of Gastronomy. There, he fell in love with fine dining and dedicated the next 5 years working day and night, to achieve the prestigious, Michelin Star award. In 2012, he backpacked through South America, initiating a year of profound transformation. He was introduced to sacred plant medicine and deeper purpose for the first time in Peru.
He became Inspired to learn more about the ancient wisdom and cultures of Peru, and for three years he was studying and seeking a place where he felt a deep resonance to immerse fully into these timeless healing arts. Initially, he studied mostly with the Shipibo-Conibo in the Ucayali, and from there he continued following his heart, which led him to the Paititi Institute, where he found the connection he was searching for.
In 2015, he left his profession as a chef to become deeply immersed in his evolutionary process whilst learning the healing arts with the healer – curandero Roman Hanis, where he remained until 2022. During his time at the Paititi Institute, Elton engaged with the Amazonian and Andean Sacred plant medicines, Transpersonal Jungian and Ashuar Dreamwork, Amazonian and Tibetan Breathwork, Shamanic Symptomatic dance, and Daoist Alchemy of Immortality Qigong. He became a Primordial Breathwork™ facilitator in 2022.
Elton’s deepest wish is to bring benefit to all sentient beings and eradicate all illusions so that we can collectively transcend separation and live together in a shared heart presence, whilst preserving the Amazonian and Andean Indigenous wisdom, and deeply respecting his ancestors.
Contact: eltonleeabela@gmail.com
+356 77709149