Emily Goughary

Emily has always loved the mountains. From growing up hiking in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, to exploring ski towns and farming communities in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, she feels right at home at Paititi’s Center in the heart of the Peruvian Andes. For the past 6 years she has been deeply connecting to the living wisdom traditions and lineages that Paititi Institute works with and embodies. She especially loves assisting the Primordial Breathwork™ sessions.
After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies and Studio Art at Hamilton College, Clinton NY, Emily and a few friends rode their bicycles from the East Coast towards the West and settled in Crested Butte, CO. Here she helped establish an incredible, all-organic, locally-sourced sourdough bakery (Mountain Oven) and grassroots food sustainability effort (Mountain Roots Food Project). She found herself deeply inspired by the Lakota Sioux wisdom traditions of the sweat lodge and Sun Dance ceremony, which she honors greatly. Her interest in ancient artisan crafting traditions has been shaped greatly by her studies at Bolad’s Kitchen, New Mexico, and now she seeks to bring the crafting into the art of consciousness transformation. She currently engages with the guidance of Tibetan Buddhism.
With roots planted firmly in Mother Earth and community, Emily stepped into her own healing journey and evolutionary growth which brought her to work, pray, and play with the like-hearted friends and teachers at Paititi Institute. Her passions include leatherwork and beading, charango, wildcrafting, cooking on fire, farming, outdoor adventure, singing, spinning wool, chopping wood and carrying water.