MJ Greenmountain

“MJ is pioneering Tea farming in California Gold Country, and has gained new renown as a leading transmitter of the Spirit of Tea. “ World Tea News 2018
For 23 years, MJ has been a practitioner of the Way of Tea, (Cha Dao). He spent 7 years in intensive study of Asian Tea Arts with an Elder Master in the SF Bay Area, covering a broad range of tea culture subjects. Since 2009, MJ has been assisting his own students in developing a personal ‘tea practice’. At his home location Jade Valley Tea Arts, a private nature retreat center located in Nevada City, MJ is focused on Tea, Zen practices, and deep healing work with individuals and small groups.
Having been in the Tea business for over a decade, MJ operated a Tea and antiques shop called Jade Summit, in donwtown Nevada City, for four years, and lost the shop to a flood in 2017. In 2019 he launched a new venture called Jade Mountain Tea, a Regenerative model company with its own eco-system of tea and tea ‘lifestyle’ activities. The Jade Valley locale is also the flagship location for a new network of artisan Tea farms in the Northwest Region. MJ is the founder of the network’s organizational body “Sierra Tea Growers Alliance,” creating the framework for a new industry and market for California grown Tea. MJ’s 2- decades-plus focus on daily Tea practice and experience has earned him recognition in the West Coast and US Tea Space.
MJ is also widely known for his work as a main founding member of the pioneering West Coast world fusion band HAMSA LILA.