  • $2,333.00 to $2,833.00 – SHARED ROOM Room with PRIVATE BATHROOM
  • $2,133.00 to $2,633.00 – EARLY BIRD for SHARED ROOM with PRIVATE BATH (till Oct 25, 2023)

A deposit of 30% is due in full at the time of registration. If we are not able to accept you into the retreat, the deposit will be refunded. Please review the Info & Prep document document for more information on our refund policy. Contribution includes all food, instruction, guidance & personal support, ceremonies, plant medicines, lodging. Any profits are devoted to the continuation of this worthy cause for the benefit of all beings.

Date & Time Details: Participants should fly into Iquitos, Peru by June 15th or earlier, to acclimatize and give time for potential travel delays and departing no earlier than the NIGHT of June 26th. We will be meeting the morning of June 16th to begin our journey and will complete our journey the afternoon of June 26th. Please do NOT book your travel until you have received confirmation from us that your application has been accepted.

Location: Amazon Rainforest (Iquitos, Peru)


Info & Preparation Document: Travel Info & Prep Document for important preparation information before registering.

Program Overview Document: Program Overview Document for additional information before registering.

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Amazon: 16-day Embodying True Nature Immersion

Facilitated by Roman Hanis

December 21, 2024 - January 6, 2025

This 16-day Embody True Nature retreat weaves ancestral living wisdom traditions supported by Jungian transpersonal psychology to provide a foundation to both discover and develop the innermost purpose of your life.



After 10 years of holding our retreats in the Andean mountains we are thrilled to be returning to the Amazon Rainforest, our original home! Join us in the jungle for a hero’s journey of self discovery into the infinite human potential. Together we will transcend the layers of our individual and collective conditioning in order to know and trust our eternally brilliant and indestructible true nature. In this process we immerse into the magnificent realm of Mother Nature through the native indigenous foundational practices of remembrance, initiation rites and sacred plant ceremonies while establishing intercultural bridges, seeing the emergence of awakened consciousness in all beings everywhere. Our purpose is to create a space where all participants, including ourselves, can continually discover and implement a life of greatest purpose and deepest meaning.

Beyond humanity’s diverse stories and personalities there’s a profound mystery within each of us that the organism is longing to be re-initiated into – a fully conscious evolutionary journey of return to the source. A resurgence of interest in these beyond-personal states may seem a novelty and yet living wisdom traditions facilitating the rites of passage on this journey are rooted in times immemorial, long before written history. Living examples of real people embodying the evolutionary blueprint of higher consciousness have been at the conception point of all ancient spiritual lineages. A direct metaphysical experience that’s skillfully shared may awaken the evolutionary potential necessary for society to transcend the fear-based animalistic survival mode. Few traditions still maintain an uninterrupted stream of embodied living wisdom in the form of an awakened consciousness experience. These lineages of direct transmission have been carried through the sands of time as catalysts of a greater evolutionary purpose embedded in the genetic memory bank of the collective subconsciousness. Yet without a necessary degree of spiritual maturity accompanied by experiential guidance relevant directly to one’s current life circumstances, the higher organic intelligence cannot emerge consistently.


View the Program Overview Document >>
View the Information & Preparation Document >>


Ancestral shamanic ceremonies involving sacred entheogenic plant medicines are attracting multitudes of people from all layers of society nowadays. There is something deeply enthralling about a dimension ungoverned by the logical mind and conceptual thinking. Experiencing a greater whole rapturing in the mystical divine union of direct contact with the raw forces of nature may be an inherent intuitive longing to awaken expressed through the many alarming issues of the current society. While different people have different ideas what pursuit of happiness entails, the underlying state itself is an indescribable, yet deeply familiar blissful wholeness, nurture and safety imprinted in the cellular memory by the unconditional love of the mother nature’s womb.

This retreat begins a profound consciousness transformation and involves a serious self-realization process. The process includes physical, mental, spiritual and emotional detoxification. Participants should be willing and able to face without compromise, personal inhibitions, repressed emotions, fears, habitual patterns and other obscurations of consciousness that often accumulate in the human subconsciousness for many years because of the conditioning of modern society.

During the retreat there will be sacred plant ceremonies. The sacred plant medicines we work with include Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Coca all of which can support the the journey through spiritual insight and unraveling the divine intelligence of nature in one’s being. We do not have a set number of ceremonies as we find it essential to base this on the process and needs of the group.


The retreat schedule will depend on the individual process of each participant. The days around the ceremonies are dedicated to creating a deeper understanding of Mother Nature’s language with the help of different modalities, such as:

  • Remembering *foundation – Release of personal history – an energetic remembering, dissolution of subconscious limitation and letting-go of emotional tensions held in one’s past.
  • Primordial Breathwork *foundation – Amazonian tribal activation of cellular memory and a Tibetan modality based on the Heart drops of Dharmakaya practices that bring about a cathartic release of deeply-seated emotional obscurations.
  • Individual and collective shamanic transpersonal dreamwork *foundation – Working with the Ashuar tribal and Jungian transpersonal approach towards recognizing the universal, associative and symbolic communication of human sub-consciousness relating to spiritual evolution of one’s being.
  • Symptomatic Dance *foundation – Communication with the symptomatic language of the organism for the recognition and resolution of the dis-ease origin.
  • Sacred geometry *foundation – Deepening our archetypal relationship with Nature and the universal flow of energy.
  • Individual plant medicine diets – The participants will be given specific medicinal plants that help to cultivate essential natural qualities.
  • Sharing circles – Relating to the universal process of consciousness transformation, expressing itself uniquely through each participant.
  • Qigong, Yoga, eastern meditation practices – Activating deeper vitality and a realignment of energetic channels of the organism.
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine – Complementary support for the deeper realignment of energetic meridians and healing on all levels.
  • Processing, reflecting and integrating – Getting to know the self through the process of being with one’s self immersed in nature.

* notates foundational practices

The retreat is specifically developed and intended for the participants to face and challenge themselves in the most direct and harmonious way, as observed in many ancient cultures and indigenous spiritual traditions around the world. This approach helps us to become a human being in a human body while recognizing, transforming and letting go of stale concepts, habitual patterns, repressed emotions, inhibitions, fears, traumas and all other energetic limitations on the way to becoming a totally free luminous being overflowing with universal love and compassion.

Retreat Requirements

We ask that anyone applying for this retreat be prepared to face new and unexpected challenges. We are specifically seeking participants who are inspired to approach all situations with a solutions-based attitude grounded in personal responsibility.

We can only accept participants who are in stable and good health. It may be possible to join us with minor health conditions  – please inquire with us before applying. For those with more serious health conditions we have found it essential to initiate the process with a 3 month Distance Healing Program. Once the Distance Healing Program is complete we can evaluate what will be the most appropriate next steps.

For your well being, all pharmaceuticals, supplements and health conditions MUST be reported to us. If you start any medications or supplements after you register, it’s important to let us know right away. Taking ANY pharmaceutical medication will affect your ability to partake in medicinal plant work. Many pharmaceuticals are contraindicated with the Amazonian and Andean plant medicines and must be avoided 3 days to 6 weeks prior, depending on the drug and the duration of use. Every situation is unique and it’s IMPORTANT that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can research your specific situation. We do NOT recommend that anyone quit medications without the guidance of their overseeing physician.

REGARDING VACCINATIONS: In order to safely participate in this retreat any vaccinations you choose to  take must be completed no less than four weeks before the start of the retreat.


We will be based in a jungle center in the Amazon Rainforest about one hour outside of Iquitos Peru, which is only accessed via boat. The center is designed for simplicity. Through this simplicity and by being in the Amazon you will become more in tune with nature inside and out. This environment can stimulate inner growth and this means you may feel ups and downs more strongly and at times it can become uncomfortable. We often use the distractions of the modern world to avoid looking at ourselves. This is not a place to escape reality but rather a place to face ourselves and ground in truth.

The center is made up of traditional Amazonian huts on stilts raised above the ground. These structures are made up of wood frames enclosed with mosquito net walls. So even while inside you will feel the nature around you at all times. Rooms will be shared with one or two other participants of the same sex. Each participant will be provided a bed with bedding and a mosquito net. All rooms have an attached bathroom.

We can not promise private rooms but if any are available we will offer these on a first come first serve basis in the week before the retreat starts.



The contribution for this retreat is based on a sliding scale.


  • $2333-2833 USD Sliding Scale: Shared Room with Private Bathroom

16-DAY RETREAT EARLY BIRD CONTRIBUTION (apply before October 25th, 2024)

  • $2133-2633 USD Sliding Scale: Shared Room with Private Bathroom 

Please note that we must meet our minimum number of participants 4 weeks before in order to move forward with this program. Please register before this date if you can and you many wish to wait & purchase travel tickets till after we have confirmed our minimum numbers.

A deposit of 30% is due in full at the time of registration. If we are not able to accept you into the retreat, the deposit will be refunded. Please review our refund policy below before registering. Contribution includes all food, instruction, guidance & personal support, ceremonies, plant medicines, accommodations in the Retreat Center location. Any profits are devoted to the continuation of this worthy cause for the benefit of all beings.


  • We accept deposits via credit card which is made during the online application process.  If you are not accepted to join for the program, your payment will be fully refunded.
  • Your remaining balance can be made with cash or via credit card (with a 3.9% merchant fee added on). If paying in cash (USD) on the first day of the program please bring CRISP, UNRIPPED dollar bills as we cannot use old or damaged bills here in Peru.
  • All deposits are non-refundable with exceptions made when its Covid related. If cancelled due to Covid illness or travel restriction we will fully refund or transfer your deposit. If canceled for any other reason ahead of time we can transfer the deposit to a future program minus a 10% admin fee.
  • All contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable once the program begins.
  • We reserve the right to cancel this retreat if our minimum number of participants isn’t met 4-weeks prior to the start date. All payments will be fully refunded if the program is canceled. 
  • Additional terms are outlined in our “Terms, Conditions, Release Of Liability & Assumption Of Risk” document which each participants agrees to by submitting an application.


Discover more video testimonials on our YouTube channel >>


Roman Hanis
Roman Hanis has been working closely with the indigenous Peruvian cultures in the Amazonian rainforest and Andean mountains since 2001. During this time he has devoted this life to learning the ancient healing ways of these cultures while seeking possibilities for creating ecological sources of sustenance for local populations and working to preserve the rainforest and its spiritual heritage of sacred medicinal plants. Seeing the vital role that ancient cultural…
Learn more about Roman Hanis