
Through all of these approaches we explore the question:

How do we embody our highest potential and live as a species in harmony with each other and this planet?  How can we make it work on earth?

Paititi’s True Nature

“Paititi”, in Quechua, is an enlightened realm manifested through the awakening of our shared human heart. Through the awakened spirit of the individual comes the greatest potential for the transformation of the planet. The Paititi Institute for the Preservation of the Environment and Indigenous Culture is committed to embodying this paradigm shift and demonstrating what […]
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Paititi Centers

At our centers we are devoted to embodying a new paradigm: one where we are living in right relation with ourselves, community, our planet and the universe. A paradigm where we are humble in front of nature and each other. It is up to us to create the world we wish to live in and […]
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Privacy Policy

What information do we collect? The team at Paititi Institute feels that your privacy is important, so we’d like you to understand when and why we record your information, and make it clear that we do not share your personal information with anyone else. We collect information from you when you register on our site, […]
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