The silver lining – introducing Lucy, the Cookiebear of Paititi.
posted by Faanito on November 20th, 2012
As many of you might know, our dear beloved kinkajou, Sophiebear, recently departed to join up with Pachamama in that great void of eternal blessed being. Her little body left quite a big gap, and though Stella and I quickly realized the perfection in all that happens and manifests we were still longing for those little early morning fuzzy cuddles like only a chosna can provide.
Exactly one week after Sophie’s passing we were sitting in our favorite local cafe, Dawn on the Amazon, spending some time on the net communicating, researching and working. In came this young blonde girl, who I immediately recognized as I had seen her about three months before in the internet cafe with a chosna on her shoulder. Thinking as there’s nothing to lose, I told Stella about it and told her she should go over and have a chat with the girl, perhaps she knows where we can find a kinkajou, or would perhaps like to sell hers. Stella didn’t hesitate for a moment, and after introducing herself and chatting for what seemed like 2 minutes I saw her jump up with joy and embrace the girl. And so the story goes like this – the girl moved here, got a chosna, but has recently decided to move back home. She was quite concerned as she didn’t know what to do with her baby, and as soon as Stella told her our story she immediately said that she would be too happy to part ways with Fiona (her then name).
Two days later Stella and I were on a powerboat to Sinchicuy, and after a short hike in a most idyllic village environment we collected Fiona from her caretakers. As ‘fio’ means ‘asshole’ in French Stella was not too keen on the name however, and so we decided to name her ‘Lucy’ – ‘Lucita’ by day, ‘Lucifer’ by night.
The honeybear force is strong with this one, and though she is a couple of months older that Sophie we see old Sopher’s spirit shining bright through Lucy’s presence. Not as strong on the ear-suckling vibe as Sophie, Lucy loves a good thumb-nibble and hand-wrestle, and has immediately become best friends with Cornegio the Cat, who seems to prefer chosnas over his own kind, we don’t blame him!
Lucy loves mangoes, bananas and corn, and peanuts bring out the crack-addict in her – she dives head first in my mouth to devour every little bit hiding in every little crack! Daytime she rests either in a hammock or in our bed, and as she has inherited Sophie’s house one can go for some ridiculously epic visits after dark, she loves nothing more than pouncing around like Tigger and dive bombing peoples heads! All future visitors beware! So though Sophie is gone, and sorely missed, the spirit of the kinkajou still prevails here at Paititi! Now to find her a boyfriend…. 🙂