posted by Cynthia Robinson on July 24th, 2015
It brings such joy to witness the permaculture movement becoming more and more popular with new projects emerging all over the globe. Many, including myself, got to know this science from the desire to find a way to return to a natural and holistic lifestyle, integrating self-sustaining organic food production and natural building. This of […]
posted by Cynthia Robinson on October 16th, 2014
We have just completed our first Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice course at the new Paititi land and are taking the time to ground and integrate with all of the lessons, inspirations and challenges that have come up in this evolutionary endeavor. The land is wild and alive with powerful ancestral spirit that is reawakening with […]
posted by Cynthia Robinson on August 15th, 2014
As we shift gears and prepare to lay an energetic foundation at the new land, we’d like to take this opportunity to share more about our upcoming Shamanic Permaculture Immersive Practice Course and what it is really about. This is a very special, one time experience where we are inviting our extended community to officially […]
posted by Faanito on October 28th, 2012
Contrary to what may would assume, the soil quality in the tropics is very low and at the Paititi Institute our ground is pure clay. Soil building has been a major focus since we established the center and in the last 6 months we have really been dialing in our process. The technique we are […]