posted by Cynthia Robinson on May 5th, 2021
We recently offered a Permaculture class through Sustainable Kashi. It was inspiring to connect with their amazing work, demonstrating a community with deep values in aligning the inner and outer landscapes. You can view the class here where Roman Hanis shares how Permaculture principles can be applied to the awakening of natural human potential in […]
posted by Roman Hanis on January 17th, 2020
Ayahuasca is becoming an international household name though her real purpose may be getting lost in translation. Living and apprenticing within the Amazonian and Andean ancestral healing traditions since 2001, I’ve observed their exponential increase in popularity all over the globe though mainly as a response to modern consumerism looking for an instant fix. In […]
posted by Roman Hanis on November 18th, 2015
The perspective of healing has been distorted over the ages. In our modern society most people believe healing is an erroneous part of life best left to the realm of narrow specialists. In the ancient times the purpose of healing was to empower the individual to heal themselves. In finding a solution for dis-ease today, […]
posted by Roman Hanis on April 27th, 2014
The profound immersion into the depth of consciousness and the purpose of all life we have recently undergone in the Embody True Nature transformation retreat at Paititi has been a continuing inspiration for many of us as we embark further along our distinct hero’s journeys of evolutionary healing and awakening of our shared hearts. Some […]
posted by Mary on October 1st, 2013
For those of you who have not yet had an opportunity to see THE SACRED SCIENCE or have been wanting to share it with friends an family, now is your chance. We’re excited to announce a FREE Online Screening October 7-17, 2013 THE SACRED SCIENCE was filmed at the Paititi Institute in the Amazon Rainforest […]
posted by The Paititi Team on December 26th, 2012
Many of you who have met us are familiar with the traditional indigenous Amazonian sacred science perspective of diseases being the messengers of divine intelligence and mothers that usher the spiritual evolution. This perspective greatly differs from the western conventional view of pathology and its nihilistic approach towards the elimination of the symptoms relating to […]
posted by The Paititi Team on October 9th, 2012
At the Paititi Institute we are always looking for more ways where we can bring deeper awareness of the importance and practical use of our ancient indigenous traditions in our modern life. We are pleased to announce that Roman Hanis will be a speaker at the sixth annual “Horizions: Perspectives of Psychedelics conference” to be […]
posted by Roman Hanis on January 14th, 2012
Although the original tradition of sacred and medicinal plants in the Amazonian culture has been considered in the past to be a profound pathway towards the enlightened nature of the original ancestors, in time it has become fragmented and misinterpreted due to the commercialization and the invasion of western culture. While still retaining the methods […]
posted by Mary on September 12th, 2011
A little update on the activities of our Institute these last few month. It has been a powerful and inspirational journey. Upon return home to the rainforest in July we were amazed to find so much plant and vegetation growth – the restoration of the rainforest seems to be moving at an incredible rate.
posted by Roman Hanis on April 2nd, 2010
Mother Nature has always been the base and the origin of human culture around the planet. Our ancestors have received much wisdom and insight into life’s mysteries as well as healing and rejuvenation from living in nature’s abode.