Paititi's Blog

Can’t Blame the Chaos – A Path Less Traveled in Perilous Times

posted by Roman Hanis on September 12th, 2019

“The Wind in the Meat” By Amanda Sage & Joe Bob Merritt in collaboration. “Consciously or subconsciously, we all strive for chaos in life. No one is content living happily ever after. There is boredom in that.” ― Rajesh, Random Cosmos   Have you seen the news recently? The planet is burning, corruption rules the […]

The Sacred Science


posted by Mary on October 1st, 2013

For those of you who have not yet had an opportunity to see THE SACRED SCIENCE or have been wanting to share it with friends an family, now is your chance. We’re excited to announce a FREE Online Screening October 7-17, 2013 THE SACRED SCIENCE was filmed at the Paititi Institute in the Amazon Rainforest […]

Nuestra Casa

posted by The Paititi Team on September 18th, 2013

So, as you know we are currently on the transitional move to a mountain land, and in the meantime, have shifted focus to reaching out to a local school and its children. We have had three classes so far, one a week, and are focusing on using our facilities as educational launch points. Some things […]

Permaculture + Spirituality?

posted by The Paititi Team on January 23rd, 2012

There is quite an active debate in the Permaculture community currently regarding whether or not metaphysics should or should not be incorporated into Permaculture Design Courses and we feel that this is a very important conversation to share with our community. As many of you know we have created a course we call “Shamanic Permaculture” […]

Creating Intercultural Bridges In the Amazonian & Andean Indigenous Healing Traditions

posted by Roman Hanis on January 14th, 2012

Although the original tradition of sacred and medicinal plants in the Amazonian culture has been considered in the past to be a profound pathway towards the enlightened nature of the original ancestors, in time it has become fragmented and misinterpreted due to the commercialization and the invasion of western culture. While still retaining the methods […]

Summer 2011 Activities

posted by Mary on September 12th, 2011

A little update on the activities of our Institute these last few month. It has been a powerful and inspirational journey. Upon return home to the rainforest in July we were amazed to find so much plant and vegetation growth – the restoration of the rainforest seems to be moving at an incredible rate.

Tropical Soils: less is more in fast carbon pathways, but only with standing forest

posted by The Paititi Team on May 7th, 2010

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most amazing displays of symbiotic relationships one can experience in the world. This complex and layered eco-system thrives through the many systems and cycles that interweave through the layers of canopy, creating one of the most bio-diverse displays of life on the planet. Nature designs the most magnificent […]