Brilliant Unraveling Potential
posted by Roman Hanis on April 2nd, 2010
Mother Nature has always been the base and the origin of human culture around the planet. Our ancestors have received much wisdom and insight into life’s mysteries as well as healing and rejuvenation from living in nature’s abode.
Today there are fewer and fewer places left on earth that can bring us into remembrance of the life and communion that our predecessors experienced all the time and wished for all future generations to remember. It seems that sometimes in order to truly appreciate something we have to lose it to a certain degree and that degree seems to have been reached in the current evolutionary stage of our society.
With new modern illnesses such as Nature Deficiency Disorder we can see the essential roles that nature and collective interplay with her have always served in the maturity and healthy functioning of the human organism and society in general. Nature is us and in each one of us, however distracted by the superficial values of consumerism and over preoccupation with self image that is worshiped in occidental mentality we often do not notice the powerful yet subtle voice of intuition that arises out of our inherent nature. Being in connection with external nature can profoundly help us feel, understand and reconnect with our internal true nature.
More so, being in these natural power places and learning from the being of local indigenous populations that have the accumulated experience of thousands of years of synergetic existence with the earth, plant and animal life (as well the natural time and the seasons) can enhance our collective remembrance of abundance, life and reunion of our universal essence that we were destined to experience all the time.
Working with the earth, plants and nature invoking spiritual disciplines and healing practices is what is creating the waves of transformational potential of interwoven benefit to people, the environment we live in and the deepening values and purpose of today’s civilization.
The brilliant unraveling potential of well being and connection with the divine intelligence of Mother Nature that all of the humanity is capable of channeling in harmony and unison with all the people it consists of actually return us to the truth and enjoyment of a simple life that in turn teaches us how to be human beings in a human body. These essential human values of love, awareness, compassion and recognition of the divine in everything and everyone are the origin and destination of this humane potential we all have and what can save our human race.
Each realization and the clear sight of our highest potential contributes to the growth of realization on the level of collective subconsciousness. With each drop of devotion we all put into this process the tree of life can flourish once again returning us to the timeless bliss of the magical mystery, which is life.
May all beings be free of suffering.