Paititi's Blog

Our Shared Mystery of Planetary Healing

posted by Roman Hanis on September 18th, 2015

My deepest heartfelt wishes go out to all who care about this nurturing, loving planet we call home and all her inhabitants. I sense how many of us wish to make a difference in the world today and wholeheartedly join this collective intention to make the most practical positive impact. Some of us may have […]

Let’s join forces in “ReInhabiting the Village: Co-Creating Our Future”

posted by Cynthia Robinson on December 9th, 2014

Our friends at the Tribal Convergence Network are initiating a very worthy and needed project called “ReInhabiting the Village: Co-Creating Our Future” which will include a book and online resource directory which are essentially a LIVING LIBRARY of information and resources about projects, organizations, and people who are working every day for a healthy people […]

Women’s New Moon Circle

posted by The Paititi Team on August 31st, 2013

*** Paititi loves how we’ve inspired members of our community to start and develop communities of their own.  Here’s a recent update from some family in Colorado.*** The Eagle’s Nest might be in a place where it is not yet ready to have large gathering, but we’ve (Indira, Anastacia, and Kirsten) been feeling out whether […]

Full Moon Gathering

posted by The Paititi Team on August 20th, 2013

*** While not technically a part of Paititi Institute, our actions have spawned a number of community building efforts, which we love.  This is an example and update from one of them.*** As a part of the process of gathering the local support and energy to hold the space for a retreat center in Colorado, […]

Stucco Workshop

posted by The Paititi Team on August 15th, 2013

Stucco is a real hands on processThe land in Crawford, CO, which is called The Eagle’s Nest in deference to the Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle, is intended to create a space which works with the land and allows for people to come, worship, and heal in ways traditional to the Western Colorado region.  Growth and […]